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*This lesson coincides with section 8, avoid ambiguity, from A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger von Oech.
Lesson written by: Stacee Talhelm and Kris Smith
Grade levels: K-12
Time Needed to Teach Lesson: 10 -30 min
Overview: The goal is to create a new idea or a new way to show knowledge. Pick a random picture from the stack of picture cards to make a brand new connection to your previous knowledge.
Objectives: Understand that allowing ambiguity by changing the approach or making a new connection can lead to more creativity.
Resources: Grade appropriate standards, Random picture cards, note taker, rubric.
Step by Step directions to teach the lesson:
Student will pick an objective card and think of what they already know about the subject.
Then, pick a random card and make brand new connections.
Take notes of new ideas.
Repeat the above steps, this time picking a life-situation card.
Repeat a third time, this time the student brings up a topic of their own, and brainstorms, then comes up with new connections using the random cards.
Assessment: Teacher uses this rubric for student assessment.