Math Tourist: Telling Time in Australia

Essential Question for students (objective):  How can we tell time to the minute and solve real-world problems involving time intervals?

Supplies:   video (length 1:46), note-maker

CCSS:  3.MD.1, MP#2 – Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively  

Instructional Format: Video, student problem-solving, group or individual work


Lesson Description: There are many ways to use this video in your math class.  I filmed it with the express purpose of having students practice telling time to the minute and solving time interval problems involving addition/subtraction. 

1)  You can show this video (1:46) at the beginning of any unit  You can have them work on the problem at the end of daily lessons (or once a week) armed with new knowledge that they are exploring in class.  Students use the note-maker to help record their problem-solving work.  Or you could revisit the video at the end of any unit as a formative check to see what the students have learned about telling time to the minute and calculating time intervals and whether they can apply that knowledge.

2)  You could show this video as a warm-up activity after the students have learned some basic telling time exercises.  It is a great way to explore the real life application of telling time on analog clocks.

Extensions:  The extension involves division, but an advanced student can solve it any number of ways.

Cautionary notes:  It may be helpful to have physical analog clock manipulatives for students to use as well as blank number lines.


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