*This lesson coincides with Chapter 10, I'm not creative, from A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger von Oech.
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Lesson written by: Shelley Monroe and Shelina Bouthillier
Grade level range: Grades 3-8
Length of time to teach lesson: 8 minutes
Overview of Lesson: Students will draw cards and respond to a prompt stating why they are good at something.
Objectives of this lesson: Students stretch their creativity by responding to prompts.
Supplies needed: prompt cards, rubric
Step-by-step teaching instructions:
1. Discuss how everyone is good at something and that we can all be creative in our thinking.
2. Explain rules of game: student picks a card and tries to think of a way that they are good at the prompt. Students get points for responses. Students may pass, but will receive no points for passed prompt.
3. Play 3 rounds where prompts become increasingly harder and require more creativity.
4. After play, discuss: “What happened?” “So what?” and “Now what?” Encourage students to recognize that they are good at many things especially if they look at things in an unusual way.
Assessment: Rubric for teacher to gather observational evidence of student creative thinking.