Creativity Lesson: Problem Solving with Real-World Problems

*This lesson is based on The Creative Problem Solving Model CPS.  See link below for a description of CPS.

Lesson Created by Teneya Cramer

Grade level range: 8th grade ELA

Length of time to teach lesson: 30-40 mins

Overview of lesson:  This lesson uses the Creative Problem-Solving Process (CPS) to assist students in creating an action plan from a current real-world problem.

Objective (Learning target) of this lesson: Students will use critical thinking to evaluate ideas using collaboration skills.

Resources/supplies/handouts needed to teach this lesson: Chart paper/Markers, Descriptions of all 6 Steps (“Steps in the Creative Problem Solving Model”), Choice Board, Rubric

Teaching instructions: 

-      Use Chapter 2: The Creative Problem Solving Process to preview 6 steps.

       Explain each one has a divergent and convergent sections (define).

-      If you are doing this lesson over 2 days, either explain how you completed the first three steps or have students review their first 3 steps from the previous lesson.

1. Mess-Finding:

     Divergent: Brainstormed general themes in 8th grade unit.

     Convergent: Decided on Poverty as general topic for Service Learning Project

2. Data-Finding:

     Divergent: Considered things students already know and things they need to know

     Convergent: I had short lists, otherwise this step would have been taking larger list and parring it down

            Things I Know: Poverty Cycle, Basic Human Rights

            Things I Need to Know: What local programs are available already?  How can students get involved?

3. Problem-Finding:

       Divergent: Generate possible “In what ways might…” statements.

       Convergent: Evaluate statements based on the many possible solutions and most interesting statements.

             Single-Problem Statement: In what ways might students be able to help combat the poverty cycle here in our community?

Take students through Steps 4-6:

4. Idea-Finding:

       Divergent: Student recorder brainstorm ideas that address problem (i.e. volunteer ideas to combat poverty in our community).

       Convergent: Make connections to narrow down list

5. Solution-Finding:

       Divergent: New student recorder creates questions based of following categories: cost, time, feasibility, acceptability, usefulness.

              Use the following question stem: “To what extent…”

       Convergent: Choose 5 most important questions when considering moving forward to put plan into action. (add stars)

6. Acceptance-Finding:

       Divergent: New student recorder make a list of potential sources of assistance/resistance

       Convergent: Make an action plan for the next 24 Hours, 3 months, and 6 months

Assignment:  Students complete choice board based on the information that they decided upon during CPS.

Assessment: This rubric goes with the choice board.  Students will be given the rubric once they have chosen their Choice Board boxes and their social issue.  Students will have the rubric with them while they work on their Choice Board Boxes.


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